
A python package to access KF5 data via its API.

View the Project on GitHub problemshift/kf5py

Install the package (pip recommended, and ideally in a virtualenv):
virtualenv kf5stuff
source kf5stuff/bin/activate
pip install kf5py
Then try something like the following:
#!/usr/bin/env python

import kf5py

conn = kf5py.Connection('http://localhost:8080/kforum/','username','password')
print conn.is_valid()
section_ids = conn.get_section_ids()
views = conn.get_views_by_sectionid(section_ids[0])

for view in views:
    print view['title']
    viewjson = conn.get_view_by_viewid(view['guid'])
    for vpr in viewjson['viewPostRefs']:
        print vpr['location']
See kf5py-demo for examples.